What Is Reality Shifting? : A Journey Through Different Dimensions

Have you ever felt like you were living in a different reality or dimension? Have you ever experienced a sudden shift in your perception of the world around you? If so, you may have unknowingly or knowingly experienced what is known as shifting realities.

What Is Reality Shifting?

Shifting realities is the idea that people can consciously move from one reality to another. It’s based on the belief that there are many different versions of reality, and by using techniques like meditation and visualization, people can enter a state of mind that lets them experience different versions of themselves and the world around them. It’s becoming a popular topic on social media platforms like TikTok, where people share their experiences and techniques for shifting realities.

Shifting Symbol, Credits: Pinterest


One of the most common ways to shift realities is through meditation. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, one can access different levels of consciousness and experience a shift in their perception of reality. Through meditation, one can also access alternate timelines or parallel universes, where different versions of themselves and their lives exist.

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is another way to shift realities. Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream’s outcome. In a lucid dream, one can explore different dimensions, meet different versions of themselves, or access hidden knowledge.

CR and DR

DR and CR are short terms that are commonly used in the context of shifting realities.

  • DR stands for “desired reality,” which is the reality or dimension that you want to shift your consciousness into.
  • CR stands for “current reality,” which is the reality or dimension that you are currently experiencing. 

Do I need a script?

No, it is not necessary to have a script in order to shift your reality. While some people find that writing a script helps them to focus their intentions and visualize their desired reality more clearly, others may find that it is not necessary or that it doesn’t work for them. The most important thing when it comes to shifting realities is to find a method that works for you, and to approach the practice with an open and receptive mindset.


The Raven Method

For this method you have to lay down in a quiet place and count down from 100 while focusing on your desired reality. You then visualize yourself entering your desired reality and staying there for a while to shift your reality.

The Pillow Method

This method involves writing a detailed script of your desired reality and reading it aloud while lying on your pillow before going to sleep. The idea is that your subconscious mind will absorb the script and create your desired reality while you sleep.

The Mirror Method

For this method you have to stand in front of a mirror and visualize yourself in your desired reality. You then repeat affirmations and positive statements to yourself while looking in the mirror.

The Dimensional Jumping Method

This method involves visualizing yourself jumping from one dimension to another, and imagining the feeling of being in your desired reality. You can also use meditation or visualization techniques to help you enter a state of consciousness that allows you to shift your reality.

Note: You actually don’t need a method. These are just made to help you but remember, all you need is intention!

Thank you for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed and learned more about reality shifting!

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